Alberton - 89
All Saints, Bedford - 61
All Saints By the Sea Canso - 135
All Saints Cathedral, Halifax - 53
Amherst - 1
Anglican Churches of Pictou County - 137
Annapolis - 136
Apostles, Halifax - 146
Avon Valley - 34
Aylesford/Berwick - 27/28
Blandford - 74
Bridgetown - 20
Brooklyn - 37
Bridgewater - 147
Cherry Valley - 96
Chester - 75
Christ Church, Dartmouth - 116
Clements - 21
Collieries Parish - 149
Cornwallis - 29
Crapaud - 92
Digby - 22
Eastern Passage - 124
Ecum Secum - 125
Falkland - 66
Fall River - 65
French Village - 76
LaHave Blue Rocks - 81B
Liscomb / Port Bickerton - 126
Lockeport Barrington - 138
Good Shepherd, Beaverbank - 64B
Hacketts Cove - 78
Hatchet Lake / Terence Bay - 140
Holy Spirit, Dartmouth - 118
Holy Trinity, Emmanuel - 119
Horton - 31
Hubbards - 77
Jollimore - 67
Kentville - 32
Lantz - 9
Lunenburg - 82
Mahone Bay - 83
Maitland - 36
Milton / Rustico - 95/95A
Mt. Uniacke - 33
Musquodoboit / Ship Harbour - 128/131
Neils Harbour - 43
New Dublin 84
New Glasgow - 10
New Germany - 86
New London - 142
New Ross - 79
North Sydney - 44
Northumberland - 145
Petite Riviere 87
Parrsboro Shore - 181
Port Dufferin - 129
Port Hill - 98
Rawdon - 38
Resurrection Sydney - 133
Seaforth - 130
Shelburne - 113
Shubenacadie/Stewiacke - 13
South Queens - 139
Springhill / Joggins - 179
Spryfield - 73
Strait Chedabucto - 104
St. Andrews, Cole Harbour - 118A
St. Andrews Locks Road, Dartmouth - 119A
St. Albans, Woodside - 120
St. Albans, Sydney - 51
St. Francis by the Lakes - 64A
St. Georges, Halifax - 54
St. James, Armdale - 72
St. Johns, Bedford - 63
St. John's, Westphal - 122
St. John the Evangelist, Sackville - 64
St. Lukes, Dartmouth - 123
St. Margarets, Halifax - 55
St. Marks, Halifax - 56
St. Nicholas, Westwood Hills - 64C
St. Pauls, Charlottetown - 90
St. Pauls, Halifax - 58
St. Peters, Birch Cove - 62
St. Peters / Georgetown - 91/94
Sydney Mines / Baddeck - 148
Summerside / St. Eleanors - 143
Tangier - 132
Three Harbours - 144
Trinity, Halifax - 60
Timberlea - 71
Truro - 16
Western Shore - 88
Weymouth - 23
Wilmot - 26
Windsor - 39
Yarmouth / Tusket - 114
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