First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Cell Number
Alberton - 89
All Saints, Bedford - 61
All Saints By the Sea Canso - 135
All Saints Cathedral, Halifax - 53
Amherst - 1
Anglican Churches of Pictou County - 137
Annapolis - 136
Apostles, Halifax - 146
Avon Valley - 34
Aylesford/Berwick - 27/28
Blandford - 74
Bridgetown - 20
Brooklyn - 37
Bridgewater - 147
Cherry Valley - 96
Chester - 75
Christ Church, Dartmouth - 116
Clements - 21
Collieries Parish - 149
Cornwallis - 29
Crapaud - 92
Digby - 22
Eastern Passage - 124
Ecum Secum - 125
Falkland - 66
Fall River - 65
French Village - 76
LaHave Blue Rocks - 81B
Liscomb / Port Bickerton - 126
Lockeport Barrington - 138
Good Shepherd, Beaverbank - 64B
Hacketts Cove - 78
Hatchet Lake / Terence Bay - 140
Holy Spirit, Dartmouth - 118
Holy Trinity, Emmanuel - 119
Horton - 31
Hubbards - 77
Jollimore - 67
Kentville - 32
Lantz - 9
Lunenburg - 82
Mahone Bay - 83
Maitland - 36
Milton / Rustico - 95/95A
Mt. Uniacke - 33
Musquodoboit / Ship Harbour - 128/131
Neils Harbour - 43
New Dublin 84
New Glasgow - 10
New Germany - 86
New London - 142
New Ross - 79
North Sydney - 44
Northumberland - 145
Petite Riviere 87
Parrsboro Shore - 181
Port Dufferin - 129
Port Hill - 98
Rawdon - 38
Resurrection Sydney - 133
Seaforth - 130
Shelburne - 113
Shubenacadie/Stewiacke - 13
South Queens - 139
Springhill / Joggins - 179
Spryfield - 73
Strait Chedabucto - 104
St. Andrews, Cole Harbour - 118A
St. Andrews Locks Road, Dartmouth - 119A
St. Albans, Woodside - 120
St. Albans, Sydney - 51
St. Francis by the Lakes - 64A
St. Georges, Halifax - 54
St. James, Armdale - 72
St. Johns, Bedford - 63
St. John's, Westphal - 122
St. John the Evangelist, Sackville - 64
St. Lukes, Dartmouth - 123
St. Margarets, Halifax - 55
St. Marks, Halifax - 56
St. Nicholas, Westwood Hills - 64C
St. Pauls, Charlottetown - 90
St. Pauls, Halifax - 58
St. Peters, Birch Cove - 62
St. Peters / Georgetown - 91/94
Sydney Mines / Baddeck - 148
Summerside / St. Eleanors - 143
Tangier - 132
Three Harbours - 144
Trinity, Halifax - 60
Timberlea - 71
Truro - 16
Western Shore - 88
Weymouth - 23
Wilmot - 26
Windsor - 39
Yarmouth / Tusket - 114
What ministries for youth are you currently involved in?
How do you see God at work in your ministry/ministries?
What youth ministry related training have you completed in the past? (It's ok if you say none, and you can also totally include things that aren't just youth ministry related, like first aid!)
What would you hope to learn from or experience at this training and retreat weekend?
Is there anything else that you think we should know?